Whether you’ve jumped on the Sarah Palin bandwagon and begun sewing yourself a McCain/Palin 08 buffalo-fir sweater or you’re secretly hoping the wheels on that political wagon fall off their axels, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree that the “satire” used in this pin falls flat on many levels.
For one thing, the makers of this pin have taken Ms. Palin’s words out of context. In last week’s speech, I’m pretty sure Palin wasn’t comparing her service as governor of Alaska to Obama’s work as a community organizer. Am I right about that? If I remember correctly, I think she actually was discussing her work as the smalltown mayor when she tried (quite flippantly I might add) to downgrade Obama’s work in the innercity.
Secondly, I know he attracts huge crowds, gives really good sermons on mountaintops, and overcame the Clinton dynasty to become the first African-American presidential candidate, but Barack Obama isn’t Jesus. However, I must admit that sometimes his campaign managers (and also some of his supporters) treat him as such.
Thirdly (is “thirdly” a word?), while it’s true that Jesus worked on behalf of the poor, he was not a community organizer. That makes him sound like he ran social events, did fundraising, or was mayor of his hometown.
And please, even insinuating that Ms. Palin is Pontious Pilot is way over the top in my opinion. For starters, she’s the governor of Alaska. And contrary to popular opinion, they haven’t crucified anybody up there in years.
(Side note and completely off the topic: I gotta question. OK, so after Palin’s acceptance speech, when the RNC played “Barracuda” by the band Heart–a song that contains the lyrics, “You lying so low in the weeds/I bet you gonna ambush me/You’d have me down down down down on my knees/Now wouldnt you, barracuda?–what do you think was the message the Republicans were trying to send by blasting that song over the loudspeakers? I mean, um, I kind of want to know if she’s the one “down, down, down, down, on her knees” OR if she’s the one who’s causing that person to be down, down, down, down on her knees? Either way, it’s quite the provocative picture, don’t you think? It certainly doesn’t seem like the greatest of messages. Maybe it’s just me, but it’s the kind of mental picture one probably doesn’t want associated with a VP candidate. I could be wrong. **PS: Just this morning, I read that the band Heart has asked Ms. Palin not to use their song. Apparently, they were offended.**)
OK, back to the “Palin” pin: Obviously, I enjoy satire–even the crazy exaggerated kind that is so far over the top it takes a little imagination to connect all of the dots–but in the end the craziest kind of satire has a decent number of “connecting” point. It doesn’t have to make perfence sense, but it shouldn’t take bad information (as in un-fact-checked information) and use that to be funny. Or at the very least least, satire should offer the reader “gettable” commentary to some degree. And I don’t think this does. I mean, I get it, but after I got it, I started poking a bunch of holes in it…
However, maybe it wasn’t meant to be “satire.” Maybe it was supposed to be taken literal, and if that’s the case, it’s just dumb.
Thoughts?!? Did I mess up on my fact checking? 🙂
And please, let’s keep the conversation cordial, shall we?
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The pin?
Sarah Palin?
Encouraging a 17 year old girl to get married.
Opposing comprehensive sex ed.
Banning books.
Opposing the teaching of evolution in public schools.
Opposing a woman’s right to choose, even in cases of rape or incest.
yeah I really did not get that pin at all. ever. I don’t like it.
sorry I don’t have anything else to add…. 🙂 thanks for your words though – very good points.
@Terroni: Are you talking about Palin or Stalin? Just making sure. 😉
Good points.
With no effort on my part to check the facts whatsoever, I recall hubby saying “Baracuda” was her basketball nickname in high school or college.
First, congrats on all the great support of the book. How exciting!
Second, I am NOT the person to be asking about checking facts, but I have to agree about the general feeling about the pin. Comparing Palin to Pilate is melodramatic. But what I think is damaging is that it’s *just* clever enough to convert the spiritually uneducated or undecided. (Luckily, I am only one of those, so I wasn’t won over.)
I also read in my local paper that Ann and Mary Wilson were offended by the RNC’s use of the song. But I heard somewhere that Palin’s nickname is “Sara-cuda,” so I’m guessing that’s the impetus for the song (although your suggestion would be lots more fun for speculation!)
Yeah, that was what Jesus was all about… criticizing and insulting and politicizing… oh wait, that’s right, he told us to love each other. Sometimes I forget about that during the political season.
I just can’t imagine that He came here to save us all so we could do this to each other every four years.
Can you tell I’m burnt out on politics already?
Oh, and Terroni… I’m totally not saying this in defense of or in promotion of anyone at all… but she’s not against teaching evolution, she’s for having the option of teaching creationism as well.
That is not me saying I think she’s right or wrong or supporting or being against (because I like my vote to be my business and no one else’s… a by-product of a very confrontational political family), but her being for teaching creationism doesn’t mean she’s against teaching evolution. From what I read she wants both taught.
I ditto Terroni’s comments. Is education even important to this woman (Palin)?
That was probably one of the dubest pins I have seen. Ughh.
i think i tried to say it better myself, but you did a much better job.
I am dissapointed your blog has gone political. I have enjoyed your blog (that I found through your wife’s blog…that I found through Angie’s) but perhaps I should steer clear until after the election.
I don’t want “fair and balanced”, I don’t want equal bashing/praising of the candidates.
I want witty assessment of Christianity -the good, bad, and cheesy.
Unfortunately, it seems blatantly obvious to me that in recent times politics have very much become a part of American Christianity’s “good, bad and cheesy” and one of the the three much more than the other two. You can guess which… The pin itself illustrates this strange partnership.
I thought this blog was great – funny and *gasp* relevant (…Not in the pop-church kind of way either. Why do Christians have to ruin words?)
Very cool. 🙂
Can’t wait to read Churched, by the way!
You might enjoy this article:
It seems one always has to “tip toe” around the subject of polotics. You can win friends and make enemies and not know it.
It’s too bad people are blind at times on certian topics and can’t be more open and polite about who we each choose to vote for. It’s a personal choice, just as you chose to express your views. Nothing wrong with that. That’s what’s makes us the USA I thought.
Good food for thought.
Wow…a lot said so far. I also think the pin is ridiculous. Just shows again how backward the left side is. I am pumped about McCain/Palin…I have high hopes that we will win.
RE Terroni- um…she’s not for taking evolution out of the schools, but adding creationism. She’s for teaching both. I agree, Let the children decide what they will believe. Also, your abortion comment…abortion is murder no matter what! Incest or rape you say?? Both terrible wicked acts, but why kill the baby? Haven’t people heard of adoption?
I love this blog…I like that you have multiple topics & I’m a political junkie so I enjoyed this one. Can’t wait to watch the American Hero win this race!!
Saw those buttons on Meet The Press on Sunday… and Tom Browkaw didn’t even bat an eye or suggest they are weird or offensive. He just thought they were a funny little quip in a campaign.
I think that right there says why politics is making my head hurt.
I LOVE Sarah Palin – and I’m very conservative. You’ve made some good points aside from the barracuda song! Low blow I might say!
They only SHOOT people in Alaska – no crucifying allowed! 🙂 tongue in cheek!