Would you like to participate? If so, here’s how to apply… If you know of any established bloggers who might be interested, send them this information! Thanks guys!
Do you have an established personal blog? If you do, you may be eligible to join the blog tour for Matthew‘s new book churched. As an approved blog reviewer, you’ll receive a free, advance copy of the book and a giveaway copy! To submit your blog for consideration, email ejohnson@randomhouse.com by September 15, 2008. Include your name, street address, and a link to your blog. A limited number of books are available, so email now! The blog tour will take place the week of October 13-17.
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I’m in. Put in a good word for me. You could start off by saying…
“listen… he’s Canadian so he’s simple but…”
I just emailed my info! 🙂
I rant and rave about lots of things on my blog…would love to be a part of this…
i would be more than happy, but perhaps my blog is not yet high profile for something like this…
My hat is in the ring! Looking forward to reading this book!
I’m all over that. MPT – i loved your past few books!