OK, so it’s going to be a busy fall! In addition to releasing churched and also heading out with the Afters and Matt Maher on the TCU Tour (which I’m very excited about), I am equally excited to announce that I’ve been invited be a part of the much-anticipated “Lord, Save Us From Your Followers” tour. (Crazy, huh?) Seriously, I have the honor of joining Dan Merchant, screenwriter and author of the book/movie Lord, Save Us From Your Followers in the fall and then again in the spring. His movie hits theaters in October I think. If you haven’t heard anything about Dan’s movie, you can check the trailer out here…
I’ll have more details about the tour in the weeks to come. If you have questions about it or want to know how to book the evening, send me an email! MatthewPaulTurner@gmail.com
Hope the first day of your work week is a good one!
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Hey Matthew – I am new to the blogging world – but I have been following yours for awhile and am constantly amused and uplifted by your updates. Congratulations on the new baby – he is beautiful! Also I just ordered two of your books online and can’t wait to read them! Keep up the good work!
I have been looking forward to Lord Save Us From Your Followers for some time now. I wasn’t aware it would be a theatre release though – how about that!
Congrats on your upcoming tours.
I lead an AIDS ministry in NYC for many years. There was a t-shirt shop next to the AIDS residence where we as Christians would serve. The t-shirt most featured in their window (and always sold out) read, “Jesus, save me from your followers.” Kind of speaks volumes….