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By July 17, 2008Blog

Joel Osteen has done another interview. This time, it’s with Portfolio. The title of the article is: God Wants You To Be Rich. No surprise, right?

What got me was the picture that appeared with the article. It’s hilarious!

OK, so from this picture, here are my theories…

1) Tigers were definitely hurt in the shooting of this picture.
2) Joel and Victoria are doing a remake (a wealthier remake) of Swiss Family Robinson.
3) Siegfried and Roy got saved?
4) Somebody call Brazil–I think we’ve found their missing rain forest.
5) Is that a dog sitting next to Victoria? Or is it an Ewok? An Ewok would explain a few things.

Anybody else have any observations? Sorry the picture is so small. If you find a larger version of it, let me know!

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

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  • Bevy says:

    That’s an ewok – and there may have been the death of a snow leopard there too.
    I GUESS I don’t WANT to be THAT rich! 🙂 LOL
    Why aren’t they in the middle of that couch?

  • Victoria’s body language and possibly facial expression says she’s not too thrilled to be sitting next to the Ewok.

  • Richard says:

    That looks like my pastors office

    He also painted our staff kitchen to look like a desert. It has pyramids and an oasis but no camels

  • Julia says:

    Check this out:

    Of course I have my opinions about Mr. Osteen, but I thought the response and the no internet thing was kind of funny.

  • Amy says:

    Ah, yes, the old prosperity gospel. Has Joel O’Steen EVER encouraged his flock to reach out to the poor?

  • Anonymous says:

    I think it looks like one of those pictures you are supposed to find hidden items in. Can’t imagine feeling relaxed in that room.

  • Chris says:

    I thought the Bible said it was harder for rich men to get into heaven? Something about it being easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle… I just don’t agree with Joel’s teachings.

  • Joy in Denver says:

    Ugh. Jesus said that if you have two coats, to give one away. How does J.O. reconcile that, I wonder? I’m guessing there’s a lot of scriptures he does’t bother with. Ugh.

    Anyway, that pic. It’s weird. When you take a pic of people, you should be able to see the people, and not have so much busy-ness surrounding them that they’re lost. And yet, sadly, I think that’s the whole point of this pic. Sad. And a ‘lil bit disgusting.

  • supersimbo says:


    are those picture Bibles on teh table?

    i do not want to offend anyone here but his wife really looks like a porn star & actually that place looks like a bad porn set would look if i knew what a porn set looked like!

  • HW says:

    Um…yeah, why do they have their living room set up OUTSIDE?

    And are they tied to metal stakes or something? Because they look really stiff.

  • @Julie! I did read that. Anne goes to my church here in Nashville. And no Internet? THAT house doesn’t have Internet? Come on. It has monkeys! It must have Internet.

  • Ron says:

    It’s so Joel can tell missionaries working in the Amazon rainforest, “I know just how you feel my brothers and sisters.”

    My congratuations on the book and the newest member of your family.

  • christi says:

    ummmmmm the whole thing is just plain weird. SCARY!

  • Dan says:

    If this is “Living Your Best Life Now” I’m not sure I can afford the first round of vaccinations required to go there. Seriously, this is their home? Since the Grecian temple theme was already being used by TBN all the Osteens had left to work with was some hybrid of Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s Pottery Barn line freakishly grafted into a Drexel Heritage catalog. Maybe this isn’t really their home. Let’s pretend this setting is found in the Welcome Center at Lakewood Church…

    “Since Joel and Victoria can’t possibly personally greet all 25,000+ congregants each Sunday visitors are encouraged watch a short 15min. presentation called “Great Moments with the Osteens”. Here visitors can watch animatronic versions of Joel and Victoria explain God’s plan for their lives and how they too can “Live their Best Life Now” and how attending and contributing to Lakewood Church is a critical part of “Becoming at Better You”. This “Inspirational” and “Victorious” vignette is presented every 15 min. one-hour prior to each “sold out” services.”

    I can only imagine what that living room must look like during Christmas…

  • Terri says:

    Not sure how to send pictures, but I found this in what looks to be a bigger size in a slide show at this link:

    These comments are hilarious! Can we just say MOST. AWKWARD. PHOTO. OF. ALL. TIME.

  • Anonymous says:

    another article concerning this “prosperity gospel” crap – as John Piper calls it.

  • Joy says:

    This is just sad. How many hungry children could be fed if they just sold their tiger—er—chair?

    Where’s Waldo? That’s how the pic makes me feel!

    Oh man… you and my hubby would have a field day on this one. I should tell him to come check out your blog when he gets home tonight!!! Or you can go visit him at and invite him over!

  • Dani says:

    I am in no way trying to be disrespectful to Joel Osteen and if it comes across that way I am sorry. With that being said this is my opinion.

    I don’t know where that church’s money goes to or how they spend it rather but I do know that his church brings in at least 7 million a week if not more I am sure. I just wonder how much of that money goes to missions, orphans, and is used to help those that are not as fortunate. He gets millions and millions of dollars (personal money) and could use all of that to feed the hungry and give children homes by sponsoring someone for adoption. Like I said I don’t know where all his money goes but the picture doesn’t exactly show that he gives most of his money. Now I know that most Christian Celebrities like singers and writers and such probably live in a big house or whatever but this is a little much don’t ya think.

    I don’t know this is just a subject that really bothers me because I do think God wants us to be rich. So rich we can barely comprehend it. But NOT with money. Rich with blessings, love, etc. Money has nothing to do with it. Money in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM makes you any happier then if you didn’t have a dollar to your name. GOD is what makes you happy. Having a personal relationship with God is what life is about. Glorify him is what this life is about. Not trying to figure up how much money you can make. I am not rich with money by any means compared to him but compared to the starving kids in Ethiopia I live in a mansion, have meals that would feed 20 if not more of them and live so much more comfortable than them. The amount of money in your bank account does NOT define your relationship with God. You are not any more of a Christian because you have a 4 digit number in there then you are if you have a two digit number in there. Money has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    And the reason he has so many followers is because most of the time he preaches the “good stuff” the Happy stuff. Being a Christian is not all smiles. The Bible says there is going to be suffering, and pain. You are going to have trials and tribulations. If you are Christian you are going to face these things. They are not going to be easy or fun but God is ALWAYS there and will hold our hands and walk with us. He may make the burden lighter but he won’t just take it away. We MUST go through trials in order to become closer to him and grow stronger in our faith.

    Okay I am done now. Sorry it’s so long but I had to say something.


  • mrw2403 says:

    awesome revelations. i laughed alot. especially the ewok comment. hope things are well with your new baby peace

  • Blech. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  • wow….I’m a little frightened by this picture…I don’t know if it’s the awkwardness of their posture or the shady look in the dog’s face…either way this creeps me out! LOVE the comment about Siegfied & Roy!!!!LOL!!!!!

  • Strange picture!!! Inside or Outside? Sad!

  • Jill says:

    It looks like the room they are sitting in is outside (trees in the background). What happens to the books and the table, etc (not to mention the ewok, etc) when it rains…or doesn’t it rain in their world?

  • are you sure they aren’t at the Gaylord?

  • You have got to be kidding me!! I read a part of one of his books, but was soooo turned off by his “God wants you to be rich philosophy.” Let me ask this question, “When Jesus was walking down here, was he rich?!” Thank you.

  • Adam says:

    I want there to be a movie about Joel Osteeen, just so he can be played by Zach Braff (from Scrubs).

  • Amanda says:

    Ok …
    Why do we (Christians) break each other down instead of building each other up?
    We are one body in Christ (we serve Jesus) & that should be our focus!
    Also, why do we believe every the media throws at us, yet we find it difficult to believe God’s Word?
    1. Mediate on 1 John (be motivated to operate in God’s love in everything you do).
    2. Read your Bible & find out about God. Why do you think God is poor? Nowhere does it mention God’s poverty.
    The disciples lacked nothing when Jesus was with them. They even went on mission trips & took nothing with them. Again … why should we be angry when a statement is made that announces that God wants us rich … doesn’t it take money to spread the gospel?
    3. Love (God’s love in us) covers a multitude of sins … how great it is to love people (with the love that God has shed {to radiate or disperse} abroad in our hearts).
    4. What are you doing to help the poor … stop focusing on what others are doing … what are you doing to make a difference?

    It’s between you & God … focus on your relationship with Him, & stop making decisions about what others should or shouldn’t do!

    {Finally} … Congrats Matt & Jessica on the arrival of Elias 🙂

    Grace & peace be with you

  • Hey, Amanda-
    I totally agree that we should be building each other up. 🙂 I do want to clarify, that I didn’t say the disciples and Jesus lacked anything… I don’t know, maybe Jesus was rich (??), but it certainly wasn’t his focus… AND, I have to say that I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people on this post ARE helping the poor, widows, etc. I know I am… I think these folks are referring more to the fact that some people may be spending way TOO much money on worldly possessions. But, none of us are perfect. So, yeah, building each other up is something we should definitely focus on. But, I did want to bring up those points. 🙂

  • P.S.
    But I have to think, would Jesus hold on to a large amount of money or buy tons of worldly possessions, or would he help people with all/most of it? What are your thoughts?

  • Joy in Denver says:


    I don’t think anyone’s tearing other Christians down, necessarily. I think they’re just having a bit of righteous indigination. The Bible says it’s better to have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea than to lead a young follower astray, and that is just what this kind of teaching is doing. Yeah, it makes me sick and sad and angry, and I’m gonna say so. If nobody ever spoke out about the wrongs in this world, then nothing would ever change for the better.

    Nope, I sure don’t think God is poor. He provides for me hugely, all the time. But I don’t feel I have to drive a 50K car or live in a 500K house or have my home filled with all kinds of crap just to look good or to meet my every little whim. There are millions of people out there who have way less than I do. Way less. How the heck do I have the right to demand of God all kinds of “stuff” just because I want it? How arrogant!

    I don’t see the people in that pic taking missions trips. They’re sitting in some kind of extravagant room surrounded by wordly goods. That pic was taken so that everyone could see it. That’s all.

    And please don’t presume that I – or anyone else here – doesn’t help the poor and we’re just sitting around our computers complaining. Can’t speak for any other posters, but that is far, far from my life.

  • Bevy says:

    Jesus – I don’t believe was rich – didn’t he say – ‘the foxes have holes and the birds have nests – but the Son of man has no place to lay his head.’ Mt. 8:20 & Luke 9:58
    He relied on the kindness of his disciples for a meal(and he multiplied bread and fishes for people 2X) and for a place to live for the nite and sometimes he was in a garden for the evening!
    The Bible also says if you have food and clothing be satisfied w/that …
    To even watch Joel for a couple mins makes NUTS – he is very well scripted and an actor … can’t stand the dramatics!
    I don’t mind that he ministers to people – hopefully they’ll grow out of it and not be so dissolutioned that they THEN leave the church – the body of Christ. But this sort of teaching lends itself to people who want CONTROL and who do get DISILLUSIONED when things don’t go their way – that’s the DANGER – people leaving Christ b’c of faulty teaching.
    I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, Gal. 1:6

  • Jenn says:

    Oh that made me laugh so hard. My Mom does a great JO impression. . . .but that’s a whole ‘nother story. Being from the Houston area, the Lakewood Church and the Osteens have always been on my radar…I just had no idea how far their reach actually was until moving to the midwest. I just wish it was other more important things they were known for. At least the indoor waterfall didn’t make the mag. Anyway, I can’t wait to read your book (I found you through your wife’s blog and thoroughly enjoy reading both of yall) and congrats on the beautiful baby.

  • Rick says:

    If they aren’t careful they may get eaten alive by those enormous coffee table books. They’re HUGE!

    I know the perspective is off due to the proximity of the camera to the books and the Osteens but those books could be a hundred yards away from the camera and still intimidate.

    Just one observation…

  • Terroni says:

    Not only does God want you to have money, this is how he wants you to spend it.

    Leopard print stewardship.

  • asiipring says:

    I dont even think that is Joel. I think that is Jeff the mannequin off of Todays Special!

    Here is the proof!!

  • Anonymous says:

    Unfortunately, our family members who are not Christians look upon the Joel Osteens, Jimmy Swaggarts and other pastors who’s message is “prosperity through the Lord” as hipocrits who are using their congregation’s money for their own pleasures and indulgences. Even if they are spreading the Gospel of Christ, the secular world does not focus on that because they want to find fault with the Christian world typically. So, the message is not a good one to the secular community.

    Futher thought on Joel Osteen and other like him-
    “But Godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world. And we can take nothing out of it. But, if we have food and clothing we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.”
    I Timothy 6:6-9

    Debbie Johnson