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another video…

By July 12, 2008Blog

eight pounds, four ounces

Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 32 Comments

  • Anonymous says:

    Yay, another video! Your peeps love the videos. I have to say, you are a natural at fatherhood! Can you do an update on Jessica? Did her migraine go away? How long before she can eat?

  • Amber Ulmer says:

    Morning guys!!! He is perfect!!! We are so excited for the two of you! We’ll keep checkign for more updates. Can’t wait to hear from Jess!


  • Cindi says:

    Congratulations! WOOHOO! I just woke up and had to check your blog and am thrilled to know that Elias is here! Jessica, you are an amazing woman and I am in awe of your faith and strength. Matthew, you are a natural in the fatherhood business…and Angie, you are also an amazing woman of faith and compassion. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with your friends and also to us, virtual strangers, who love reading your blogs!

    Have a wonderful and blessed day with your new addition!

    Cindi Ellison

  • Cindi says:

    Ooops..didn’t mean to leave out..HE IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

  • Sandra D. says:

    YAY .. a baby .. I got up and checked in .. so glad to see he’s finally here .. now the fun begins!!! 🙂 So happy for you and Jessica! 🙂 Matthew, you look like a pro holding Elias!!! Great job you guys!!! 🙂

  • CIrons says:

    You guys are so cute…I don’t know you, but could not be happier for you! What a special, special day. Enjoy every minute! I love reading your blogs!

  • cara says:

    so happy for you guys!

  • Leah says:

    Congrats! I’m glad everything went well and the little guy finally made into the world! Jessica is a very tough cookie. I can tell he’s already got you wrapped around his little finger, what a beautiful thing to capture.


  • Pete Wilson says:

    Amazing guys! I’m so proud of both of you. You’re going to be great parents.

    p.s. next time we meet at Starbucks will you please talk to me the entire time in that baby voice. It just like totally relaxes me dude.

  • Amy says:

    Congratulations. Although I don’t know you personally, I love your blog; and I said a prayer during my busy workday yesterday for you, Jessica, and Elias. I’m very happy for you!

  • Robin m.. says:

    Congratulations!!! Jessica & Matthew The baby is beautiful.
    Our thoughts & prayers are with you all. Love Aunt Robin,Uncle Jeff,Anthony & Kelly

  • Congrats, guys! Welcome to the world, Elias.

  • Joy says:

    Day one and you’re already a fantastic father!!! Can you believe how much you could fall in love?

    He’s absolutely 100% perfect! I was so eager to see the two videos this morning that his weight FINALLY computed in my mind and he’s a little chunky monkey (my youngest was 8 lbs 8 ounces) and you gotta love baby chub! SOOO CUTE!

  • Sharon K says:

    He’s adorable! Congrats to you and Jessica, what a wonderful day for you all. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was turn on my laptop to see if he had arrived. A beautiful little family. Love ya all.

  • Anonymous says:

    His auntie sure loves him lots!!! I can’t wait to see him…tae you are so cute with him…lol…such a proud daddy. Mom said she hasnt ever seen you hold anything but your computer that much hahaha!!! Love you guys
    -Auntie Sissy

    P.S. next time make sure he says hi to me too!!!…and uncle danny

  • Dave Carrol says:

    my daughter aislin says “he’s so cute”….

    big blessings from our family man!

  • kingfamily says:

    Congratulations on yout little “pez”, so cute. I got here from Angie’s blog. You guys are so funny, you made the whole labor process very amusing.
    Praying for all of you!

  • Linny Best says:

    Congratulations!! He is beautiful!!

    Let the baby talk commence!

  • Sara says:

    Awww, dude. My computer just exploded from all the love in that video. It was seriuosly palpable. I can’t imagine being able to watch my parents’ reaction to my birth; Elias need only watch that to know he is loved.

    Please tell Jessica she is amazing and deserves anything she wants for the next 18 years at least. But for now, I hope she has eaten to her heart’s content and snuggled that baby to her soul’s content. You are so blessed, people, and I have been blessed by you. Thanks.


  • Gail says:

    Yippeeee! Eli is here! I have been keeping updated via blogs and texts with Melly. Jessica..I hope you are feeling well and able to get some rest and FOOD. Matthew… welcome to fatherhood. Angie… you are an amazing friend to Jessica and Matthew. Can’t wait to see and hear more updates.
    Hugs to all, Aunt Gail

  • kathy pride says:

    Welcome Baby Elias! Hugs to you and Jessica! Add me to the list of many who also ran to the computer first thing (hours ago, but we are in MST, and my daughter needed me, preventing me from posting right away…)to see the news! What a privilege it has been to feel a part of your labor!
    Jess,as you know, pit is so, so hard. The contractions really explode, so you did an amazing job of sticking to your convictions and will always know you completed that un-epiduralized chapter of your labor with total integrity.
    I hope your headache went away, and that you ate ASAP!
    Matthew, you are funny, and true, and yes, already settling into the role of great dad. Of course, a little pez baby like Eli makes that job a bit easier with baby chub and yawns that come right on cue.
    We all look forward to your updates, but for now, sleep in peace as a new family.

    Love, and hugs, Kathy P.

  • staceyfike says:

    hey matthew, change shirts already, haha!
    and hug jess for me too.

    congrats again!!! so happy for you guys!!

  • Jacob says:

    what does your son’s name mean?

  • gerbmom says:

    A Pez dispenser….LOL.

  • Anonymous says:

    Congratulations from Walt & Veronica!! Lee emailed us the news and we are so happy for you. What a BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT little boy. Blessings and love to you. (Hope we get to see him when we visit!)

  • Anonymous says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is sooooo cute…. I love his cheecks 🙂 He looks just perfect… We have been praying for you guys so that everything would go good. Jessica rest all you can while in the hospital…:) Blessings all the way from CA. and may our heavenly father Bless your home and your new bundle of joy 🙂 We are so thrilled that Jessica didn’t have any more complications.
    Judy 🙂

  • He is perfect, and you are the most adorable big ball of mush ever. What a fun video! I loved the way you sort of forgot all about the camera for a while and just oohed and gooed at Elias. Way too cute.

    Have fun, daddy. And don’t blink. Our “baby” turned 23 in April. Seems like overnight he transformed from a soft, fuzzy-headed pez dispenser into a bearded rugby player/poet/musician with a degree in philosophy who spent the last nine months as a health intern in Ivory Coast, West Africa.

    And that awe you feel? It never really goes away. An eternal soul made through and entrusted to you. Humbling, amazing, frightening, and glorious. I wouldn’t trade parenthood for anything.

    Thanks for sharing the first delightful steps of your journey.

  • Sara says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! Congrats! I don’t know you but I found your blog on Angie’s. I am thrilled for you all!

  • amanda says:

    I’m a visitor from Angie’s blog and I just wanted to say congratulations! It’s so funny to see the difference between your update videos where you were all tired and ‘punch-drunk’ to this picture of a proud new daddy who is thrilled to show off his son. What a blessed gift!!! Enjoy parenthood!!!

  • Jenna says:

    Hi Turner Family!

    I am here from Angie’s and just wanted to say CONGRATS!!! SUCH a precious boy!!!!!! Praying for ya’ll, and the new addition to your beautiful family! Thanks for sharing this amazing blessing with all of us. 🙂 With love, Jenna

  • suzncasey says:

    Such love in that room! Congrats! I am so glad things went smoothly,

  • Aw, I was 8 lbs., 4 oz. 🙂