You might have seen these guys on Last Comic Standing. Their name is an obvious reference to either God’s Property or Jars of Clay… what are your thoughts?
You might have seen these guys on Last Comic Standing. Their name is an obvious reference to either God’s Property or Jars of Clay… what are your thoughts?
I love it. Sweet outfits.
I saw them on the show and I couldn’t decide if I should be insulted or laugh along 🙂
I think it might be a play on both.
i saw them on the show, and i guess i didnt get it. i am all for poking fun at ourselves for being the strange group we are, but at the same time i think you must 1st be funny for me to accept your gag. i dont know, i guess i am neither here nor there on it, just seemed kind of same and easy.
I’m with Relevant-ish Pastor. I can’t get enough of Christians (or unChristians) making fun of Christianity – but a good prerequisite is being funny in the first place. These guys squeezed a few laughs out of me, but no legitimate belly laughs.
The fact that they never break character makes them entertaining to me. Their lyrics are pretty crafty as well…
Actually, Jessica has a connection to Wilson Hall (the one in Blue). He’s from Wisconsin, and was WASC State President back in the day. 🙂
Are these guys really Christians or is that just part of the act?
They are like exact stereotypes of how you see Christians portrayed in movies.
Which we all know is usually over-the-top.
I mean has anyone seen Saved?