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christians in california want you to…

By May 15, 2008Blog

boycott Starbucks because their cups show boobs!

Yes, BOOBS. 
Dear Lord, what will all the Lifeway Bible study groups that meet at Starbucks do?

To tell you the truth, I wish I had known about this earlier–I might have gone to Starbucks this morning. 

But really, why boycott this? We never boycotted Sunday school material that displayed Eve’s fig leaves too low. Or when Adam’s fig leaves were too small…
(And if I look closely, I think I see pubic hair. Or are those scales? I can’t tell.)
But friends, it gets better. Mark Dice, leader of that Christian group had this to say… “Need I say more? It’s extremely poor taste… the company might as well call themselves Slutbucks.”
Yes, that’s an actual quote. 
Slutbucks. SLUTBUCKS. 
You know, I think I actually went to a Slutbucks back in my college days. All I got to say… that place had some nice sized cups… (I know; bad.)
But I love coffee too much to boycott Slutbucks. How about you? 

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

More posts by Matthew Paul Turner

Join the discussion 23 Comments

  • Adam says:

    What’s going to be interesting is that Lipscomb University just put a Starbucks on their campus. But then, Lipscomb is actually pretty cool.

  • jamie says:

    This is one thing that burns me up – boycotts. Why are we always encouraged to be against things, and usually pretty trivial things? Over the years I’ve been encouraged to boycott Proctor and Gamble, Disney, numerous films (The Da Vinci Code, The Golden Compass) and other things.

    So come on already – another boycott? Something else we can be against? I heard Fran Patt from the US Center from World Missions speak last summer and he made the great point that Christians are known for what we’re against.

    I see a new marketing campaign on the horizon – What Would Jesus Boycott?

  • There’s a church in our network with a message of grace to homosexual people. They is being picketed this Sunday by another church with “Jesus hates fags” signs. Don’t we have anything better to do?

  • Phil says:

    Dang, those fictional creatures and their sexy, sexy bodies.

  • Another friend of mine recently posted a blog about California Christians.

  • Dave Carrol says:

    As a teen boy… I was mentally defrauded by a mrs butterworth syrup bottle. Her wide rolling curves and her generous voluptuous bosem caused me to look at sisters in the Lord… “differently”

    I have not worn sweat pants since. And the blame for this falls squarely at the feet of mrs butterworth.

    Mr Turner, thank you for bringing this issue of moral decency to my attention. I will henceforth discontinue my starbucks purchases. Hot Cocoa should be a pleasurable experience.. but only for certain parts of the body.

    Amen. Selah. God be with you.

  • Drea Legare says:

    Like Jesus cares that I have a naked mythical creature on the cup of my particular vice…

    If all the effort of these protests was channeled into, say, I don’t know, crisis relief? we’d be in a much healthier place as a community of faith. Or Church. Or whichever.

  • Jenny Hintze says:

    Oh man, that’s hilarious! I think there’s boobs in the Bible too. Maybe we should boycott that.

    Song of Solomon 7:8 (New International Version)

    8 I said, “I will climb the palm tree;
    I will take hold of its fruit.”
    May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine,
    the fragrance of your breath like apples,

    Oh, my!!

  • Jenny Hintze says:

    Man, that’s hilarious! There’s boobs in the Bible. I guess we should boycott that!

    Song of Solomon 7:8 (New International Version)

    8 I said, “I will climb the palm tree;
    I will take hold of its fruit.”
    May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine,
    the fragrance of your breath like apples,

    Oh, my!

  • Amy says:

    Amazing, isn’t it?

    I’ve had some of my deepest life conversations at Starbucks with young people who are preparing to commit themselves to Christ.

    Does this make me a bad influence?

    I’m not boycotting that great java either!

  • ness says:

    I’m more of a Dunkin’ Donuts girl myself, but I will now go to my local “Slutbucks” as often as possible so I can think “Slutbucks” and laugh my head off.

    Oooooo…and how much money could I make selling Starbucks lingerie???

  • Jeff says:

    Arrrgh! This drives me crazy.

    This isn’t just a matter of people being silly. The world is so full of evil and suffering. When we focus on things as foolish as the Star Bucks coffee cup, we demonstrate a clueless, calousness, and pettiness that keeps people away from Christ. And when we expect a world that doesn’t know Christ to conform to our moral expectations, we demonstrate such an arrogance that it makes my head hurt.

  • Ken says:

    There are more thing in our life to be concerned with the a coffee cup that has a figurehead of a mermaid with her boobs partially exposed. Why not boycott Chinese restaurants the have a statue of a topless buddha, he also has boobs.

  • Matt says:

    Yep, THIS is an important cause that we should be putting our time and energy behind.

    I just…there aren’t words. Nothing adequately expresses my frustration.



  • randy says:

    clever, I like the ending. I think I went to the same one back in college… ha

  • Adam Owens says:

    So I heard this on the news this morning… And I started laughing out loud. What are they thinking. No wonder people think Christians are crazy.
    thanks for the great post.

  • Christine says:

    I show chics breastfeeding every week on my blog. I guess I should boycott myself.

  • supersimbo says:

    the fundies are out in force on this one! yawn!!

    can we do some link love man??

  • sure supersimbo… let me know what link…

  • Dan says:

    If you took the collective time that these boycott-churches spend organizing, publizing, and ranting about such stupid matters and actually put it towards real ministry – building relationships with those who do not know Christ -how much different would this world view us? How differnt would our communities be?

  • Jeremy says:

    this is very late in posting, but my co-worker from Seattle says the original logo was pretty revealing to begin with.

  • Laura says:

    Wow…. Real deep, compelling thoughts here.