My mother thinks my pastor is hot.
I guess he sort of is. But don’t tell him that. We don’t want him to outgrow his Britney mic.
My mother thinks my pastor is hot.
I guess he sort of is. But don’t tell him that. We don’t want him to outgrow his Britney mic.
Any chance your mom is hot?
I love the video plan B what a great truth of life.
sigur ros… i like your church already.
I believe your pastor may be suffering (read: benefiting) from an increasingly common Pastoral ailment (read: quality). It’s called Robbellitis. There is currently no known cure (not that one is needed) but the condition does seem to be exacerbated (read: greatly improved) by careful review of all NOOMA products and publications, frequent applications of hair bleach, and a visit to any valid opthamologist. Good luck! You’re church seems to be progressing nicely.
(:D JK. And before you jump on the soap box and flame me: Get off the Hate-oraide. It’s a joke. I love Rob Bell. He might be the reason I’m still “saved”.)
Love the blog by the way!