It’s possible. No, really. But I bet it’s not the six prayers you were hoping he would answer. (More on that later.) Actually, despite the title sounding like a book that could have been written by “the little charismatic that could”–for some reason, that seemed really funny at 10:00 on a Saturday night–but the truth is, this book might actually shock a few people. Now, not shocking like The Vagina Monologues or Oprah without makeup, but still quite shocking.
But I’ll have to keep you guessing just how “shocking” it is.
(I’ll blog more about this book when it releases in May.)
Anyway, Jennifer Schuchmann, one of the two authors of Six Prayers God Always Answers, is a friend of mine and she just launched the website for the book. Click here to check it out.
To check out the book at, go here.
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