Christian people go to seminary like heathens go to hell in hand baskets. Seriously. For Christians, seminary is the new youth mission trip! Getting your seminary degree has become every Christian college student’s backup plan. Just in case a young Christian isn’t able to accomplish anything with that business degree they received from Liberty University, he or she can always fall back on–that’s right!–going to seminary. Seminaries aren’t just for preachers anymore. Nope. You can be a teacher, a missionary, a police officer, a housewife, a department store employee, or Paris Hilton and still go to seminary!
Can I get an amen?
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so true!!! i grew up knowing that if you truly loved the Lord and wanted to commit your life to him, you’d surrender to full time ministry as a preacher, teacher, or missionary.
i think the exception these days is the actual pastor himself. seems to be the latest trend that pastors do not go to seminary… seminary does not drive traffic in the doors the way that marketing minor does. 😉
Having been to seminary to become a pastor, I’m amazed at how many people go to seminary just to “learn more about the Bible”. Then you can walk around church and say, “Yeah, I went to seminary.”