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All of these people are the Pilgrims… A Message from Focus on the Family

Stuart Shepherd with Focus on the Family released another episode of Stoplight! Yeah, I’d never heard of it either. But anyway, in this edition, Shepherd–who’s holding the biggest microphone I’ve seen since the 1980s, tells us all about the Pilgrims (or at least, his version of their story). In between Shepherd’s historical retelling, random faces—people I assume are employees of Focus on the Family—appear and each of them say the exact same thing: “We are the Pilgrims.”

A couple of them say WE ARE the Pilgrims. Another says, we are THE PILGRIMS. But believe it or not, Focus on the Family has hired a whole bunch of Pilgrims.

For instance, according to the video, this lady’s a Pilgrim.

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And this lady, too…

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This guy? Yep, he’s a Pilgrim.

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And this guy…

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And this lady…

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And there are others, too. Now, none of them seem particularly excited to be Pilgrims. In fact, some of Focus‘s Pilgrims declare their Pilgrim roots with such a lack of conviction that I wonder if they really wanted the world to know their secret identities.

In the end, I suppose it’s not really a big deal except for the fact that none of them are actually Pilgrims. Not really.

In fact, chances are the Pilgrims would have likely hated most of these people for a myriad of reasons. And too, chances are pretty good that none of them would have cared all that much for the Pilgrims. Plymouth Rock’s first white people were a group of pretty hardcore individuals, even for 1620 standards.

Plus, every one of Focus’s Pilgrims can worship how they want to worship without a King, Queen, or Quaker getting in the way. Chances are, nobody’s dictating for them what’s good, holy, and true, well, except perhaps Focus on the Family

Anyway, like Christian Nightmares points out, it’s a bizarre message, one that seems vague, forced, untrue, and except for the fact that Thanksgiving happens on Thursday, irrelevant…

Watch the video below.

So… are you a Pilgrim?

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Matthew Paul Turner

Author Matthew Paul Turner

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